Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Web 2.0 tools

I now have a blog started for my class and would like to use this for an emerging technology lesson.  My students will explore the essential questions of "How can I thrive in a media-saturated world?" and "What will the future look like?" through explorations in digital photography, collaborative learning experiences with other students in other schools, explorations of emerging technologies, and a variety of multi-media presentations.

In my Broadcast Media class, I will be having each student sign on and make a blog page of their own. Before making their page, I will be trying to find a class, preferably outside the United States, to have my students correspond and collaborate with for their project. All of their blog pages will be linked to my main page for easy access for myself to check on their comments. The students will be corresponding with their partner from the other school.

The next step will be using a wiki. With their group members the students will focus on areas of business, entertainment, and communication as they explore the world in 2020.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....