Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Using the pbWiki site was very easy. I did not do much to the front page, but added some of the technology links that others had mentioned on my sidebar. This site would be easy for even the nontech users in my building.

In our district, we just started a committee for Internet Safety, which we need to put a curriculum plan together. We will be having a total of 5 people from our building working on an Internet Safety Curriculum for grades 7 & 8. A wiki would be great to use because the other teachers, that are on the committee, can write in what they found, attach files and links to be put in a document for the school.

I would personally like to collaborate with other schools, hopefully globally, with my class on a technology project. The students would be signed in from both schools and be able to work on their project and see what the other has completed.

The NETS that the students would be using of course would be Communication and Collaboration with the other students, Creativity and Innovation with the way they put their project together, Research and Information Fluency and Digital Citizenship.

My url for the wiki is:    http://ljhkglavan.pbworks.com

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